Different Ways Gaming Has Improved for the Mobile Platform

It’s hard to believe that a decade ago, the cellular phone’s only purpose was to call or send and receive SMS. It can play games or connect to the internet but they were never similar to any games that are being played on consoles and desktop computers.

A person’s expectation of what a phone can do is greatly changed by the introduction of iOS and Android. A phone today having the ability to perform like a laptop from the year 2007 is a standard, not a gimmick. That includes the ability to play games.

Of course, it took a while until the mobile gaming industry reached the popularity it has now. There was a time when the gaming industry dismissed games on phones to be nothing more than a quick fix to ease boredom. Turns out, it only needs the proper technology to turn the device into a competitive platform. Here are different ways mobile gaming has improved over the years:

Browser Gaming for Everyone

Arcades are one of the most popular hangouts for teenagers, middle-schoolers, and parents. These places have shooting galleries and pachinko machines that can entertain anyone who’s just trying to kill some time or have fun with friends. Some websites act like online arcades because they contain a wide variety of games. Simply boot up a browser and play, no need to download!

Gaming for Children Is a Great Opportunity to Start Franchises

The first market for video games on phones and tablets was, of course, children! They are offered puzzles and brain-development games that are often free. This is a great gift to all parents because they simply need to download a new app each time the child outgrew the last one.

Children are also more likely to become loyal fans of a franchise and that gives developers and publishers reason to expand an existing property instead of creating a new one. Some of these franchises simply continued the same format but with a twist to introduce a refreshing experience. Others expanded to more complex game genres so they can grow together with their original audiences!

Gaming for Adults Lets the Casino Approach the Gambler

Gambling is an adult-only activity and that is why governments and citizens try to control their accessibility. Being too lenient could open opportunities for young ones to learn how to play the game of chance without a proper understanding of risks. It was for the better that these games are kept in limited places in each country.

Today is the digital age where most services can now be done online. One of these includes online casinos like casinodays. In a similar way that some sites are online arcades, online casinos offer a wide variety of gambling games from electronic slots to live dealer games.

Esports Professional Players Are Recognized as Athletes

Yes, video game players who are proficient in a competitive game are officially called ‘athletes’! The word is not exclusive to someone who is physically active because it refers to anyone good at any sport. Esports is now a sport according to the Olympic Committee and, thus, dubbed its professional players as ‘athletes’!

This did more than simply change the name of the people involved. It heavily changes the way video games are viewed by the mass population. Video games came from being viewed only as a hobby into an industry worthy of investment and respect! This fact also affected mobile gaming as it became a platform for some of the most competitive titles in the industry.

Mobile Gaming Has a Growing Cast of Influencers

Even before professional gamers are called ‘athletes’, the video game industry already has influencers. Many of them, however, are sceptical about the growth of mobile gaming. Soon, mobile games got their community and influencers to support the platform and their favourite titles.

Some influencers are loyal to some brands because of contracts but many are simply there to play mobile games. This was one of the greatest promotions that brought the popularity of some games known today. Many independently developed games were overlooked for years since their release but suddenly boomed in popularity because a group of celebrities showcased it!

5G Internet Greatly Improved Cellular Data Gaming

For the most part, people only rely on Wi-Fi connections to play competitive games, even on their phones and tablets. However, many people don’t have access to that kind of service so they have to rely on cheaper cellular data subscriptions. The problem is that 4G LTE-A can only be fast with good reception. Many have difficulty getting a signal in some regions.

5G internet can perform up to 10 GigaBytes per second which is 10 more than 4G can deliver! Players can now play competitive games even if they do not have enough signal to reach the maximum potential of their sim card!

Mobile Hardware Dedicated to Performances Instead of Gimmicks

Phones, before smartphones were created, were competing with their style rather than performances. One phone has a slim frame while another can flip in ways that no other devices can. Android and iOS phones are now all adopting the rectangular shape because they’re not just phones but also screens. They make up for the monotonous shape with high-performing hardware. The competition is now about which phone is better in which price range.

Users Became More Critical Towards Game Development

The fact that games are easier to access now than ever before means that more people develop a sense of what is good and bad. Whether that game is an esport, puzzle, or gambling, the developers always have to assume that the audiences are capable critics.

Online casinos such as casinodays compete with each other with having the best promotions and best user-friendly rules. Esports games compete by having the best community, balancing system, or game mechanics. Children’s games simply try to attract as many children with pretty pictures and funny cartoon characters. For people who don’t know much to form an opinion, they can always visit a forum where people discuss their findings.

Arunshory M

Arunshory M

Arunshory is a founder of creativeshory, a professional tech & resource website. He is an avid learner and he has been blogging for several years.

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