Social media act as a great platform for online marketing and engage your target audience. It is also a great platform for link building.
Link building is one of the most important SEO strategies. There are many ways to get links, but social networking websites are a great place to earn links naturally. Proper social media presence can be used to boost your SEO strategy by earning quality backlinks to your website. More quality links can help to improve your ranking in search engine result pages (SERPs).
Provide High Quality Content
Now search engines like Google tend to rank pages higher in search results based upon the number of quality links to those pages. Self promotion link building is becoming less effective and can even be harmful to your rankings. So, do not follow past SEO practices of building manufactured backlinks. Your site should acquire links in a natural way.
If you publish high quality content that people find valuable, they are willing to share it. Well analyzed information and new angles on a subject are all good starting points. These statistics will show the importance of content marketing. $118.4 billion will be spending on content marketing, Video marketing and social media in 2013. Nearly 87% of brand and agency marketers now create video for content marketing.
Entertaining posts open the chance of going viral but don’t concentrate this value. Because a solid useful post is likely to provide a long term return, as people could use it as a reference for their own content.
Interacting Frequently
Interact early and often. If you are trying to get links from a popular site that is got a strong social presence. Being in the first five or ten comments, interactions when they post their new blog post or major social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube can really help you get noticed.
When you do that interaction take the time to generate valuable comments. Please do not buck for using these kinds of comment.
“That was a really great post. I learned a lot.”
“Thank you so much for publishing it. You are an inspiration to me.”
By adding value to the conversation, prove your skill and stand out in the comments. If you make the conversation more interesting, someone sees a post that has great comments and looks at your profile. This is the key to earn some links from latently.
Analyze Target
If you are doing any kind of link building particularly know the right kind of people both interested and interesting in your own particular area.
There are a number of tools to find likely targets. Google site colon searches simply to search only for bio pages, especially for sites like Pinterest, YouTube, Tumblr, and LinkedIn. If you desired to search pinterest for mentions of the keyword “social media”, you would type “site: social media”.
Fresh Web Explorer is another handy tool, particularly for the blogosphere and finding blogs. It can order by feed authority, so that’s great for finding popular bogs.
Followerwonk analyzes a number of twitter followers, such as social authority scores and the percentage with URLs. This is excellent for identification process.
Social Engagement
Social engagement builds up a big community. If you post a lot of quality content, that’s getting big following, interactions, retweets, plus ones, shares, likes, etc., what happens is that you actually earn latent links. It gets a lot of automated republishing.