Every man loses his or her baby teeth, and this is followed by adult teeth that last forever. However, even with the best care every day, there are instances where your teeth will become loose. Trauma is often one of the causes of loose teeth, but dental conditions also contribute to making teeth loosen. If you fail to brush, floss, and put in place other preventive maintenance routines, there is a possibility that you could lose your teeth.
The causes of loose teeth
There are numerous causes for tooth loss, and each one can be treated differently depending on the likely cause. For those who have suffered accidental trauma and their teeth have become dislodged, going for dental surgery will be recommendable. This helps to fix the teeth back firmly in place. The injury should be able to heal fully after a short while, and you can get back to your normal life after you have recovered fully.
However, if your teeth get loose without a probable cause that could be a sign of a serious problem. It could mean that you are suffering from a serious gum ailment. This is mostly the case, especially if your teeth are accompanied by painful gums, bad breath, and bad taste.
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Visit a dentist immediately
Any time you have loose teeth, there is no reason why you should wait because failing to act can only help to worsen the situation. You need to call the dentist immediately and have the tooth checked. Fortunately, there are various treatments that the dentist will use to ensure that your teeth are okay, and among them is surgery. Also, they will look at what might have caused the situation and offer a recommendation about potential remedial action that can help to prevent the recurrence of the same condition in the near future.
Remedies for loose teeth
There are many loose tooth remedies that a dentist may recommend, and among them are the following:
1. Tooth splinting
This is where the dentist fixes a stabilizer at the root of the tooth and fixes it to the tooth that is positioned next to it. This splint helps in making sure that the ligaments recover, therefore strengthening the loosened tooth. This is a process that takes several weeks to deliver the expected results.
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2. The use of night guards
This treatment method is used during the night on people who grind their teeth while they are asleep. While grinding the teeth, lots of pressure is put on the pearls and this causes them to loosen. After using a night guard for several weeks, you should be able to notice a massive difference.
3. Removal of gum disease
This is one of the loose tooth remedies that are used for conditions that are considered to be more serious. The infected tissues and bacteria are removed from your mouth. This is a highly intensive treatment that takes the patient more than a month to recover from.